Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Following up on our discussion from today in class, I'd like to see you discuss your thoughts about deviance. For example, how is it determined what is deviant and why?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009


During the week, we discussed the idea of living in the borderlands -- that we are often part of multiple cultures at the same time that might cause inner conflict. For example, the "college thug" often struggles with identity, as he isn't sure if he wants to "give up the street life" and become a "college boy." So, he might feel stuck in the middle.

When have you dealt with being in the borderlands, and how did you handle it? What did you learn in the process?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Back to the Blog!

Welcome back! Based on our discussion of ethnocentrism, I wanted to bring up this situation. In some countries, teenage girls are required to undergo female genital mutilation as a rite of passage to adulthood. (If you have never heard of it, look it up.) If someone from another country wanted to practice their culture here in Raleigh and have their daughters go through this practice, should they be legally allowed to do it?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Week Three

Discuss any comments, questions, thoughts, ideas, examples, critiques, etc. about the concept of social construction of reality. I want to make sure that students understand the concept and its application to society and our lives... and can think critically about it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Week Two

It's time to start a new discussion! (If you need instructions about how to blog or the expectations, please scroll down to Blogging Instructions - PLEASE READ and click on the link.)

Topic for the blog this week: What is society? Is it just all the people combined, or is there something beyond that? Provide an example to support your claims.

Be sure to type a 1-2 paragraph on this topic by Sunday night and respond to a few others' posts as well by Tuesday's class. Click on the words Week Two above to get started!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Blogging Instructions - PLEASE READ!

Here are some basic instructions about how to use this blog:

1. Click the Sign In link at the top right. If you have a google or gmail account, sign in. If not, please go to google.com or gmail.com and create one. Then, re-type in our blog address (greenfieldsociology.blogspot.com) and sign in. Do NOT create a new blog... you're participating in the one that I established for us.

2. Then, click on the link above that says "Blogging Instructions -- PLEASE READ!" (Next week, the new blog title will be Week Two -- how creative!). Read any comments posted and then type in your thoughts in the Post a Comment box and click Post Comment. When you want to go back and read others' posts, just click on the same link, and you'll have access to everyone's ideas. You need to scroll through to see all the posts and then to respond to any of them.

3. To reiterate the expectations, at some time before Sunday of each week, I would like for you to post a 2 paragraph statement which offers your thoughts/reflections about any issues raised in class during the previous week. Then, before class on Tuesday, you need to post a 1-2 paragraph comment to at least two of your classmates about their posts. Any questions -- please contact me. Have fun!