Thursday, January 22, 2009

Week Two

It's time to start a new discussion! (If you need instructions about how to blog or the expectations, please scroll down to Blogging Instructions - PLEASE READ and click on the link.)

Topic for the blog this week: What is society? Is it just all the people combined, or is there something beyond that? Provide an example to support your claims.

Be sure to type a 1-2 paragraph on this topic by Sunday night and respond to a few others' posts as well by Tuesday's class. Click on the words Week Two above to get started!


  1. I think that society is just people that are combined as a whole and in different groups. For example we have people that we interact with on a daily bases. Then we have the people that we hangout with on a daily bases. And last we have Americans as a whole. The reason I think were in different society groups is because when people share an interest in certain things they tend to hangout and form a social group. For example most of the students that are from a certain tend to hang around each other.
    But then when people come together they tend to separate themselves from people who don't share the same interest as them. So with that in mind I think that society could be the perspective of the government. For example the reason why gay marriages are not legal is because of the government. Some leaders simply don’t believe in it and some want people to have the freedom to marry whoever they want. But then again how many states allow gay marriages?

  2. Society in my definition is a group of diversified people with different ages,religion, ethnicities,occupations etc.They may live in the same enviroment but play different roles in life. Their are all different types of societies. At times people may feel as though their society is only the right way to live due to their beliefs and values.
    In someone else's society they may feel the opposite way to how you think about things or live your life. For example some societies see polygomy as being honorable while others may see it being a disgrace to ones society. Basically society is humans with different relationships between individuals.

  3. I believe that Society means a group of different cultures that live and work together everyday. A society may also be a group of people who are brought together not only by race but by title. For example Eastern Stars, Groove Phi Groove, or other private societies. I think that societies are more than just people of the same or different races living togther. A society can be like a second family if you already don't have one. There are societies that have there own beliefs like the rich should associate with the rich,or certain religions should only talk to those who have the same views as themselves. For example at home a lot of the Jews and Jevoah Witness believe that they should only talk to those who have there beliefs. I believe that societies are good and bad.

  4. I believe that a society is a group of people who come from different backgrounds but share a commonality and live in the same environment. I don't feel that society is the whole. Societies, in my opinion, are made up of people who share a certain culture, belief, attitude, or environment etc. For example, I would call my apartment complex a society because although we all come from different backgrounds, we're all living in the same area, the same complex. We are a society in our environment based on our living arrangements. Another example would be certain organizations. Red Cross volunteers become a society when they gather together and aim for a specific goal. They all may be different races and have different beliefs, but when it comes to volunteering for that organization, they come together and form a society. With that being said, societies are groups of people sharing something similar.

  5. Society, to me is a group of people who my live in a community together, who may or may not have the same beliefs. They could be people who work at the same company, faternities and sororities, doctors, and lawyers. I think that they are people that share a commonality.
    You asked is there something beyond soceity? Yes there is the Western and Eastern view of soceity. They probably view things quite different than we do. Dr. Greenfield, I'm sure your going to say that you need more.

  6. Ms. Speight, LOL... it's an interesting conversation so far. On one hand, I see people looking at the elements that make up a society. Then, you just introduced the critical dimension of how "society" itself determines what constitutes a "society," as it may be constructed differently by other groups. Let me use this analogy to play with this idea: is a basketball team just all the players combined, or is there some element called a "team" that is more than the sum of its parts? Are "we" society... or is it bigger than us?

  7. Society is a group of people with certain interests. Some of the interests may be the same and some may be different. Some people may come from a different background for example, mexicans, chinese and etc. Then you have certain Sororities (please excuse the spelling)and Fraternities. Having said all this society is diversed because of culture and backgrounds and private organizations.

    Maurice E. Young

  8. I believe that society has amny different measures. the different cultures and the people make up many different societies. i beleive a culture which is a group that or a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviours, and artifacts that the members of society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning. i beleive along with a common interest and a different background, these aspects make up a society.

  9. I think that on some part i would have to agree with Mr. Grant because society has so many different aspects you can look at. Because when your talking about society your talking about not just the people in your community but everybody. And everybody doesn't share the same beliefs or values maybe when you look at the different cultures which is a different kind of group and background. So i think society can just be explain as people who live in the same community and share the same things.

  10. A soceity is not than a group of people. Although there are many aspects to a society. Such as a the groups in a society. Some things that make it up are goverment agenices, educational services, student group and different ethinic groups. Every society is different abd unique in its old way.

  11. I Ms.Carter agree with Ms. Woods. She had great examples and looked at a society the same way I do.

  12. I Ms.Carter agree with Ms.Smith. A society can be good and bad. They can work for the greater good or vise versa. Such as some colts that have people killing people in the society.

  13. When I hear the word society I think of an organized group of people that associate together for cultural, religious, political, or other purposes. A society is a body of individuals living as members of a community. I think there are "sub-societies" that make up the overall socities, i.e. Shaw University is a society. We are a group of people that have come together for a common purpose.

  14. When hearing th word scoiety, I think of it as a world in itself and the people that make it up. There are many societyies which contain numerous people that have a purpose and as the United States, we have a puropse as a whole but at the same time we all have our own euniqe make up and divine purposes.

  15. Society goes beyond just people combined. Society is the way people interact as a whole. Its not only how we interact its how we choose to live our live. Society is the connection of each nation one to another. Many view it as just something that you are and that it has been sociology constructed that this is what we are and what we will be. Society is not what we are its what we make it.

  16. Society is greater than the people in it. I guess you could say that schools, courts, jails, businesses, and communities help to make up a society.

  17. I agree with Lauren I agree with her on her definition of what a Socety is but I don't think that all socities are organized. I think that socities try to please the needs of the individuals that live in their socities.

  18. Dr. G I like the way you put that society is like a team. I want to agree with you but look at sciety in the form of a "ENGINE" If you look under the hood of a car at its engine you see many different wires, belts,compartments. All these different parts have to come together to get the car started and keep it running. Society is just the same many different make-ups and different beliefs but we all work together to makeup society

  19. Another way to sum society up is like making a cake = Have several different ingredients (eggs, flour, sugar, milk, oil, ext) you don't think about eating these ingredients sepearately but when u add them together you get something better than that you started with. Society is craft made by God, where he took different ingerdients, added them together and got something greater from which he started

  20. I think that society is fallen apart.the rap industry itself has alot of criticism from the world and how we disrespect our women.Inthis situation,I agree. When interviewing Jaddakiss, Heact like it was coolto do so. My question is why do sex has to make music sell?.

  21. Society to me is defined as a group of people that make up an area or a nation. Society to me is just the majority I guess (unsure on how to define). Society is all the people combined but can be taken to be something more than that. Its almost like a society doesn't exist because with each individual person, when they disagree with something or go against what "society" believes, when asked well who is society, and what do they believe, it becomes a big discussion but yet we still have no answer. We can always answer what "society" believes but can never answer who makes up society.

  22. Society is more so a code of unwritten rules for a group of people in an area rather than the group of people its self. Things such as what makes a family, what is right and wrong and what you should do and when you should do it. But if you speak to individuals, you would realize that many people of this so called society do not agree with saociety rules.

    I agree with wat Ms. Bracey is saying about how the rapping industry is influencing society. All the rap that is disresoecting and revealing woman is just adding more unwritten rules that if you wouold like a mans attentions you must dress or act like this or that. It's beyond out of control because if we all remeber correctly, BET was supposed to be a channel that let minorities/ blacks express themselves and send out a positive message but we all know that these days its rarely children have bedtimes so things like midnight love, BET uncut and and BET after dark. These programs where it shows woman barelt clothed and doing things such as letting rappers like NElly slide credit cards through the bottom half of their bodies. These things that are shown on public television are revealed to children as if its ok so we now have young men and children going to school singing these songs and calling the young ladies all types of b words and and trashy words. If MTV BET and channels like nickolodeon and disney who are being alot more lenient with the things that they show then kids today are gooing to be tomorrows issues.

  23. I did not actually get to go on youtube because what good is watching you tube with out the sound. I couldnt get the sould to work so im sorry i cannot blog on behalf of Beyond Beats...

  24. Society to me is a combination of many things... In a sense it is the people around you and the influence they have on your life. Those people could be friends, family, enemies, or even strangers that you will see once and never even meet. On the other hand society is also your environment, where you live, where you go to school and the values and morals you were brought up on. All of these things shape the type of person that an individual could be.
    I believe all of this makes society because all of this has an affect on how people act towards each other. An example would be the subject of gangs. In one part of town there is a high popularity ofone gang and in the next town over there is a rival gang. Some young kids will look at the town they have grew up in and say "This is what I am supposed to be. I am supposed to join this gang because this is where I am from." Other young kids who have had the right values and morals installed in them will say "I refuse to be another statistic of this neighborhood. I will do what I have to do to get out of here without having to turn to selling drugs, or killing, or hating a person because they are not from where I am from." To me society should not be limited to just people in an environment it should conclude the environment itself and the lessons learned or the lessons not learned in the environment also.

  25. In response to Ms. Bracey's post about rap. Are you referring to society as a whole, society being everybody or a specific group? I am in agreement with you, but also in disagreement. Not really disagreement, but just taking your post a little further. I think in that post, the society would be the group of people who watch BET or who look at those videos and are influenced. I don't believe that society would be everyone because everyone does not listen to rap. Everyone is not influenced by music to do drugs, have sex, drink etc.

  26. I also had a chance to take a look at the beyond beats and rhymes video on youtube and I agre with Ms. Bracy. Society has fallen apart, but I do not believe it is all in hip hop music. What does the young republic think when he hears his President get on T.V. at a press conference and say "We are going to smoke em." Violence, drugs, and other unnecessary evils are around us everyday in places you wouldn't expect them to be.
    I remember my father saying one time " When I was young we played games like pacman, and atari. Now you want me to buy you a game where you are going around killing people and hi-jacking cars?" I was about 12 when that happened the I hear a kid who had to be around 7 actually talking about the game and telling my little brother what the concept is. To him the object of the game was and I quote "You are supposed to pick up hookers standing on the street. Then we they get out your car you kill them and take all their money..." Are you serious? What kind of messages are we sending here. Yes I do admit music does play a roll in society but turn on your T.V. and flip the channel up or down 4 or 5 times and I gurantee at least one of those channels will have a fight going on, or someone holding a gun, a sex scene, or drugs will be involved.

  27. I believe that society is a group of people of different cultures, sex,and age. Society is also considered our surroundings, environment we live in. Living in different countries, cities and around different types of people will determine societies views on the same type of situation in different ways.
    People of different cultures are going to have different views on a situation, because of their beliefs and the way they was raised. People of different sex will view things differently because of opposing opionions based on values and the way they was raised. People of different age groups are going to view things differently based on time and world changes around them. However society is all people and the environment around us. Everyone is part of a society and no one societal view is wrong because we all have different views on things. This is what makes the world go around and people learn to agree to disagree and still survive in society.

  28. I agree with Ozella. R. society is a group of people who come from different backgrounds but share commonality. Society is not a whole. Society can be more thatn one group of people,either from the same ethnic group or not. People of different ethnic groups can also be a society because they could have the same beliefs or hol some common ground on a situation. A society is what you make it. I say again the world revolves based on the ability of the people in it to agree to disgree.

  29. Society is more than just a bunch of people together. Everyone is different and it shocks me that everyone trys to be the same. We have our ways of trying to be the same without even knowing it. But society can be where you are at or even where you are from......and peoples ways of society tends to rubb off on everyone that they come in contact with...whether its good or bad.

  30. I depict society being a group of individuals who i can relate to in different ways rather it is race, econmic statis, common intrest, age etc. But amongst these individuals i hold in consideration their thoughts and opinions. To me society is like a broder family although we are not blood related we share some type of common connection.defining society is pretty hard for me because i often hear two terms "society" and The "Broder Society" I have a generalize perspective of the two but i can not put a clear definition of either or.

  31. To me a society is just not a group of people. It goes much deeper than that. I think that you can have a society inside of another. Because when I'm here at Shaw I'm in one type of society but when I go home I'm in another type of society. But no matter which one I'm in I bring a peice of each society to the other to show my views.

  32. To comment on Brenda about society I agree with what she said. I believe that the type of society you come from is also based on your culture also. Because back to what i said in my blog here at Shaw im around my peers but at home i have a lot friends thats three and four years older than me and thier veiws are a whole lot different than my thats in my age range. And also its all about the way you were raised.

  33. To Mrs. Bracey about the rap. I agree its not right ay all but its what sells. And the only reason the do it is because they know thats what the people want and will buy. Now for example if people would stop buying all this disrespectful music than less people would make that type of music but nowadays its all about making that money they don't care.

  34. Society is what exists when people live as a group that intereacts with each other. Their relevance and interdependence on one another determines the acceptable ways each should act to be a contributing part of this functioning society. When this is realized, then there becomes a standard set (of rules) that each applies when making decisions, whether on a micro level or macro level..

    For an example, use a primitive tribe in a third world country. Somehow they determine that men will hunt and women will cook. It is an accepted fact that makes their society function and all within it participate.

  35. In response to Dr. Greenfields analogy of the basketball team, a team is always more than just a group of people. The very word team denotes that all "players" involved have an obligation to one another to carry out some function in order to help the collective achieve a goal. This is normally done willingly and without much deviation from whats expected... Same as a society... any deviation from what is expected is met with consequence...

  36. Society is a melting pot! It is not a particular area, but one large mixing bowl that needs more than one ingredient. The ingredients compliment each other inorder to complete the meal, because without a variety the desired taste is no more. Society allows different ethnicities to be just that, an ethnicity; they are allowed to hold on to thier background, culture, and allegiance. The question is who are the people who make up the society that "we" know? Truth be told society honestly does not accept everyone, but provides access to it's fruit so that society is able to benefit from the labor.

  37. Well society is a social intercourse. It's a large group of people who have a known and or unknown connection. I don't feel that society is only a group of diverse people with different religions, races, or creeds. There are well funtioning socities that just include people of their own kind. For example America has many of diverse people and religions; however, in Africa or India ex. there are many tribes with just their kind and who speak just their language. Moreover, each individual contributes to a social intimancy. We bring our own strenghts and weakness and make up the society in which we live. Some people may say we all live on Earth together so we should be concerned with what other nations are doing. Maybe being a citizen of the world makes us one big society inwhich we incorporate our own small societies.?

  38. Society to me is a shared system of relationships between individuals. It is based on how people talk, act, think in their evedryday life. If your with a specific group or club then you will act or think like that specific group or clup. The reason for that is because the society is based off of living to fit in. No one wants to be left out alone, so people tend to do do and make choies that they normally will not do in their own indivdual time or life. No two people are the same but if you share the same characteristics or tend to do the same things then you ae figured to be in that society group. Everyone is tied to a society group in one way or another whether they know it or not..
