Saturday, January 10, 2009

Blogging Instructions - PLEASE READ!

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2. Then, click on the link above that says "Blogging Instructions -- PLEASE READ!" (Next week, the new blog title will be Week Two -- how creative!). Read any comments posted and then type in your thoughts in the Post a Comment box and click Post Comment. When you want to go back and read others' posts, just click on the same link, and you'll have access to everyone's ideas. You need to scroll through to see all the posts and then to respond to any of them.

3. To reiterate the expectations, at some time before Sunday of each week, I would like for you to post a 2 paragraph statement which offers your thoughts/reflections about any issues raised in class during the previous week. Then, before class on Tuesday, you need to post a 1-2 paragraph comment to at least two of your classmates about their posts. Any questions -- please contact me. Have fun!


  1. When it comes to gay marriages or anything abnormal someone will always have a dilemma with the issue at hand. With gay marriages there will always be someone who says that its wrong or even go as far as bringing religion into the picture. But some people in society still don't embrace interracial relationships. Even where I was raised at and where I've grown up people despise interracial relationship. And for the most part the disagreement of interracial relationships are mostly in the south from what I've seen.

  2. Drummer_ boi (Daryl?), you've raised some thoughtful points, but I'd like to read more. (By the way, I'm wondering about your use of the word "abnormal" to describe gay marriage, as it sounds like you are saying they are bad... do you mean "not the norm" in society?) Why do those individuals despise interracial relationships? How did views, in general, change with regards to interracial marriage in our society, and can a similar result take place with gay marriage? Does the type of interracial relationship affect the views? How do we encourage more understanding? (You don't have to answer these questions -- just food for thought.)

    Thanks for being the first one to post!

  3. As far as homosexuality goes, I feel we are our own culture. The worlds looks down on us because it is not a way of life they grew up living, but it is definately not abnormal. More and more people everyday are trying this lifestyle. For most of us, our sexuality was never a choice, but simply who we already were. I'd hate to say it is inborn but I do believe that for the one's who have lived this lifestyle for years and counting, have always known this to be who they are. Some people choose this lifestyle simply by believing just because their relationships with the opposite sex continue to fail time and time again that maybe they will have better luck in a same-sex relationship. These type of people make our homosexuality community look bad. These people are the ones who are confused.

    It may be true that homosexuality is a sin in the bible. It may be true that homosexuality is an abomination to God. It may be true that homosexuality can drive us straight into Hell... but what makes this sin any bigger or worse than another sin. Adultry... isn't that a sin too? If God forgives a person who commits adultry, then I'm sure He forgives a person who lives a life of homosexuality. [This is Ozella Ross and I am a homosexual.]

  4. Wonderful, honest, and insightful post -- thanks for sharing, Ozella!

  5. I was always taught as a child not to judge people. I was also taught that a woman and a man complete a marriage, not man and man or woman and woman: that if so it is a sin. Virgo love is right how can one sin be greatter than the next. Sin is sin I believe that if you want to be with someone of the same sex then it's fine with me. I've said that it's ok aslong as they don't put their believes off on me. I think that people should do what ever makes them happy. I belive that all people of all races and sexual orientation should be treated equal and fair.

  6. In the case of Jimmy, I thought it was best for him to live with Stan and Dan. So what if they where gay. I feel that they could give him the love and attention that he needed. I don't have a problem with race and sexual orientation when it comes to adoption. If the person or persons can give a good home environment then my hats off to them.
    Some years ago I was really against homosexuals and aloowing them to adopt, but I realized how would I feel if I had no parents and no stable home setting. If a couple came along and showed interest in me and no one else wanted me and I was stuck in foster care or a group home. I know that I would as a child want to be with who ever would care for me. I saw this couple on adoption story; they adopted this child and he loved them and they loved him. He seemed to be so happy and it brought me to tears, because I was so happy for them all.

  7. I loved the fact that in class on Thursday we debated Jimmy's case. That issue is so much bigger than what people believe it is. It surprised me when the decision was to grant custody to Stan and Dan..that's not what I thought it would be. It was funny to be when Dr. Greenfield first told everyone that Stan and Dan were a! Everyone started to gasp and ooohh and it looked like a lot of people changed their mind on what was right...and if that's what we were deciding...People tend to try and decide what's right or wrong instead of making fair decisions...those are the things that bother me the most. My feelings on homosexuals are simple...I have none. My feelings on interracial relationships are the same...I draw a blank...Frankly, they have nothing to do with me...I'm probably more concerned about a chip in MY toenail polish, lol...

    I feel like that if we as a world would mind our own business and stop trying to infringe our beliefs on others...the world would be a better place. Christians often believe that it is their duty to convert people to Christianity...but I am a Christian and I believe that there are different ways to do that. In today's society where there are all different types of people..I believe we first have to love one another...thats Christ-like...I think that walking in your "light" and conducting yourself as a Christian and letting people see God thru you is more powerful than spitting off words of condemnation and fire and heaven or hell do we own to put someone in?

    I will say that my pastor once explained to me that homosexuality is a life of sin and not just a sin..which is a little can't repent while still living that lifestyle..much like adultry...but once again...that's just a personal interpretation...I don't discriminate.

    Back to the of my good friends has a mother who is a lesbian..and has never tried to hide it..her mother and mother's girlfriend loved her very much when in 6th grade her absent father popped back into the picture and took her from her mom. The court decided that he was what was best for her...I think we all know why...Well he was an alcoholic who never wanted her..and when she was 16 she ran away...back to her mom and mom's girlfriend! Her dad didn't fight to get her back...They live in Arizona now..and my friend is grown...but she always talks about how much of a relief it was to go back to her mom...because that's who really loved her...people picked on her when we were children..but that's what unhappy kids do...I will encourage all of you hetero's that have children or plan on having children to raise them with tough skin...because if teasing is enough to break your kids down...that's your should've raised them with a lot of love for themselves...and to disregard the opinions of others at all costs.

    By the way...being raised with two lesbian parents didn't make my friend a lesbian..she has a husband who loves her and her mothers very much! I am not a homosexual...I just love guys should too!! (besides, if you are confortable with your sexuality...what about gay people would make you uncomfortable???)

  8. I feel as though Gay marriages are a good topic to bring up. I also think that having the topic can be also dangerous. In my english 113 class we had discussions on this topic.Alot of issues got across and feelings were hurt, Homosexuals that were in the class got very offended. I have no problems with gay people. I just feel as though marriage should not go along with the lifestyle of them.

    This issue can come again and again in discussions,arguments and panels.But it will never get solve because people are going to have more issues on this topic. The bible will explain it all. Dr. Greenfeild ask us in class."Will it matter on the college campuses of Homosexualiality.To answer this question.No it wont, because in our generation we accept it. Why? I cant answer that question, but God can.

  9. Gay marriage and homosexuality are topics that I am realy getting tired of discussing. Not because I have anything against them, but because I hate the fact that people are so closed minded and wont allow themselves to gain an understanding of what it is all about. My three best friends are gay and they are the most true and trustworthy people i know.

    I think people that have problems with homosexuality are insecure with their own sexuality. If you sre secure in who you are no one can sway you one way or another.

    I was one of the students on the jury in class on Thursday and the thought of allowing Jimmy to be adopted by his aunt never crossed my mind. She was too unstable and didn't really care about Jimmy; she just didn't want him to be adopted by a gay couple. Stan and Dan were a loving couple that I believe will be great role models for him.

    I cannot wait to learn more about Sociology. It will truly get me to think about things deeper instead of whats on the surface.

  10. touched on the main issue that raises my eyebrows about I said before..I could care less, but I do find it interesting and somewhat humorous that more people are "trying" this lifestyle everyday. Why?? I was talking with a friend of mine who is a confused bi-sexual and I told's almost becoming a fad...just another way to recieve sexual gratification...and another outlet for women attract the wrong types of men...that's what I find the most humorous. And you were right..those are the people who make homosexuals look bad...And this type of behavior is not new...many people 60 and especially used to think it was funny or "ok" to let another man perform orally on kind of was a hush hush thing..but they didn't consider themselves to be homosexuals..and went on to marry women...and it even went back further than that...

    Anyway...Ms. Bracey...a lot of feelings do get hurt when homosexuality is discussed..and it's because there is such a large population of homosexuals and they are fighting just like african americans had to and are still having to do. One of the reason we are still talking about gay marriage is because a lot of people in high places are homosexual...and they can keep it in the limelight...I can't say I blame them...if that was my lifestyle of choice, I would want the same rights as any other couple. Working in a hospital, I have seen women and men turned away and not able to see their spouse because they were not "married." I have to ask people how they would feel if that was them?? As long as they are paying taxes...that's the JUST thing to do...this is an issue that we are going to have to leave Christianity out I said before...there is only one person that will be able to decide where we go when it's all said and done...

  11. I agreed with mechellie2 at the beginning when she was talking about being taught that man and a woman completes a marriage because that is what I was taught too. I guess i would be what everybody calls the close minded person or who brings my beliefs into my opinion. I feel that if God was ok with two of the same sex being together it would have been like that from the start. Im not trying to change anybody from doing what they want to do as long as it doesn't effect my life directly but that doesn't mean that I have to accept it as being ok. Also I am not the type of person to judge a person by their sexuality because I have friends who are gay because they are people like evrybody else. I just believe my beliefs are a big part of who I am and thats what gets me through life's trials,issues and problems.

  12. I believe that in this court case Jimmy should go to the couple Stan and Dan even though on my beliefs about their relationship I would not approve. I know that if I were a jury member in a case like this I would really have to set aside my morals in life to make sure that the child gets what is the best for him which I believe is stability. Personally I am still against the idea of same sex couples because I believe that it is unlike God and what he wants for our lives. I always say the saying "God made Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve" meaning that if he was okay with same sex being together he would have made it like that from the start. I don't think that in the near future I would change my mind on how I feel about these issue and I don't feel like I should accepted just because I see it everyday surrounding me. I have learned from my family to be me no matter what is going on around and to follow what my heart tell me not because everybody else is doing it either

  13. In Jimmy's case i was glad that Dan and Stan was granted custody. Dan and Stan is basically all Jimmy knows. He would be placed in a stable home and shown the love that he needs. i dont have a problem with homosexuals i feel that everyone should be treated the same and shown the same love. I have family members that are gay but i dont look at them any different. They have feels just like everyone else.

  14. In the case of seven yr. old Jimmy i think that we made a right choice sending him home with Dan and Stan. I think that because even though Dan and Stan are gay they have a stable life style to rasie a child. And i think the only reason Antontie wanted to be in Jimmy's life style is because she don't want Jimmy to grow up in a household with to men and i also think because she might be getting money from the state because i think and she knows with her salery she won't be able to take care of her and Jimmy together.

  15. I appreciate the personal opinions here, as you have all raised some thoughtful points. However, I'd like to see us also examine the larger sociological questions that we brought up in class....

  16. People today are very closed minded. They are so worried about the norm that they forget about being diffrent. Which makes it hard for those who are diffrent. People look down on people who come from diffrent backgrounds or who are diffrent

    I was raised in a single parent family household. Some may think that in 2009 people wouldnt have a problem with single family households but on the contrary they do. So many times I was put down or teased because I didnt have a father. Even my teachers would ask did I need extra help. Why should this be in 2009,

  17. In the court case dealing with the custody of Jimmy;I feel as though Dan and Stan were the right people to take Jimmy in. Anette was not stable. I felt as though she only came forward because the two people who wanted to be the legal guardians of Jimmy were gay.Which means that she was not trying to take custody over him out of the generosity of her heart!What if it was a man and woman who wanted to take custody of him;would she have not stepped forward? When it comes to children, you have to think logically and be realistic!

  18. On the other subject that was brought up, I also agree with Keira and Jasmine! I really agree with Jasmine when she said that "homosexuality is a life of sin and not just a sin. You can't repent while still living that lifestyle."

  19. I have always heard that Dr. G. was a great teacher and very enthusiastic. Well class on Thursday proved it all. I feel as if this class will help many people be able to look at things in a different prospective.

    The case dealing with Jimmy was interesting. I was torn between the verdict of givng jimmy to a homosexual home or to his relative. Most intstices people fail to put thier beliefs and morals aside to look at the inner needs of an individual. In class on thursday I learned that just becuase its not right to me or I dont blieve in it doesn't mean that its not a good idea. I think when more people realize that, better choices and be made in all situations

  20. Shawstweety - You are correct, very many people in today's society are closed minded and thats because of traditon. Honestly, people cry for change, but arent really ready for it. The only change that we like and willing to accept is change that benefits us immediately or change that comes in the form of quaters, dimes, and nickels. Until we renew our minds and began to realize that if we do what we've always done, we're going to get what we've always got, then we're really not ready to step outside of the norm

  21. This isn't directed to anyone in particualar but its a reply to several entries that i have read. Many people that don't agree with homosexual relationships and gay marraiges base it on thier religion beliefs. I hear Christians that say all the time its against my religion and all other excuses. I honestly think that is a cop out or an excuse when that individual doesn't even partake of their religious services.

  22. Another issue that we talked about is why there is a difference between talking about homosexuality in college then at home. I think the difference is that in college it's easier to open your mind and think more clear. At home people usually back away from subjects that aren't usually accepted. Also the people that didn't go to college where I'm from don't ever want to talk about issues, maybe because they're afraid of what people will think.

  23. I just want to start off by saying that I really enoyed our first class. It was very hands on and thats the best way to learn, by experience.
    The issues we touched on are very serious issues of today. In response to Dr. Greenfields question about why do we believe there was a different response among our class than maybe with our home towns... I believe it is because of being college students, not necessarily Shaw students. I think this way because when you go to any school whether it is dominantly black, white or any other netionality, you are still introduced to diversity. Not just race but sexual preference too. Being college students we deal with classmates every day who we may not have ever spoken to unless we were in class but in doing so, the conversation remained almost the same as if we were dealing with one of our own. College helped me realize that we are all not so different afterall. Many of us have grown up in similar situations an believe it or not can help one another. In our classes case, we were open to diversity even if it wasn;t our life style (dan and stan) so we voted based upon what was better for the child.
    Now when dealing with a home town, you are dealing with many adults who maybe are sheltered and accustomed to the all american life style and family. They become scared of being the different person or the one to stand out. In thinking that standing out is wrong, they are more likely to vote based upon what looks better from the outside in (the child with a mother with no money and a record) ratherthan putting the child with some one who loves him and can finacially afford to support him.

  24. That's very true college can give someone a different perspective on situations and life. Even for my self I've learned that I had to change my attitude and the way I carried myself. I mean lets be real most students that have that ghetto mentality aren't going to go to far in life. Being loud and obnoxious everywhere you go and making a scene is just not cool.

  25. Trey,

    I must say that I agree with you 100%. People are always quick to say that they think something is wrong because the Bible says so,but if you ask them exactly what scripture states it they cannot. I think it is wrong to look down on someone or treat them differently because of their sexuality.

    People have failed to realize that everyone is not a Christian, so right and wrong cannot be based on the Bible alone. Our jobs as Christians is to help spread God's word, not to punish those who live sightly different lifestyles.

  26. I do believe that Dan and Stan can provide Jimmy with a stable home. Not only can they provide a stable environment for Jimmy, they can also provide a loving environment. I believe that Dan and Stan Loves Jimmy and Jimmy loves them thats all that really matters.

  27. I also agree with Trey many people with religious beliefs would oppose gay relationships. Also elderly people, because they are set in their ways and their beliefs and back in older times you really didn't hear of gay relationships. I do believe that people need to more open minded in todays world, because things change everyday and we as people need to be more open to change in order to grow.

  28. In response to Drummerboi's post... I agree with your post about gay marriages and interracial couples. It takes a while for people to adapt to something new. Anything that wasn't considered 'right' back in the old times will continue to be looked at as being the wrong thing. Interracial couples are more common now days than same-race couples. It's more common to see a biracial baby than it is to see a straight-race baby. In this generation, people are stepping outside of their boundaries doing things they weren't raised to do. -Ozella Ross

  29. Dr. Greenfield,

    I am so glad that you're in such good spirits, because I am NOT! I posted this on my personal blog, but I feel like I should share it amoung my peers...I am completely embarrased and considering jumping in my car around 2 am and going home!! This Barack train has gotten completely out of hand..and it's becoming a spectacle...I've seen sooo many things today that make me want to weep for our people and made me realize just HOW FAR WE STILL HAVE TO GO!! I know there are many people that won't agree with me, but I also know that there have to be so people that do..

    MLK Jr. said that one day we would be looked at and spoken on based on the CONTENT of our CHARACTER and not the COLOR of our skin...and black people are going exactly against his beliefs right now...We need to take a second and STOP making it only about his blackness because some blacks and whites are basing his blackness on their ignorant level of black which is completely inadequate for this event...occasion...or whatever you wanna call it...

    If you need an example..A HIP HOP INAGUARAL BALL HOSTED BY YOUNG JEEZY...??? Are you f'n serious? I'm starting to believe that the Repubs were right..the world was NOT ready..I mean...hearing "My President is Black" 1 time was good enough..but it's been on blast since I got here...

    Is nobody else embarrassed??? Barack Obama is soo many other things than BLACK...Don't get me wrong...I'm honored that my president is black..but I'm even more honored to have an inspirational, intelligent man in office...someone who can bring a change to the way this country is ran...This shouldn't be about celebs paying tribute..or how they can't imagine how much time has been spent in the media and up here on just how celebrities view this about the homeless about the oppressed??

    I didn't ride the Obama train from the very beginning..he had to win my vote...I knew his issues..and I can honestly say..the majority of these people here don't give a DAMN about the issues..or change...they are here for the parties..and because HE'S BLACK..

    I hate seeing my people making a spectacle of themselves...did they show Clinton on Air Force 1 for his first time on CNN?? NO...what about touring the oval office...NO...they are treating this man like he's something abnormal..

    I'm proud of OBAMA...but I'm ashamed right president is black...but my lambo ain't blue...I didn't pop champagne for Barack's campaign..

    I dunno...I'm just bothered...this is about sooo much more...we're in a recession...we're at war...we have one of the highest unemployment rates ever...the democrats are back in power..and we are making a spectacle of ourselves just for more David Dukes to get on air and on their far right media channels and have a good laugh at our expense...

    yea..I rambled..but..I've had enough...we've got to do better...rolling blunts at the inagural block parties???? C'mon..

    Sorry if my spelling was is my brain right now...

  30. I do agree with ms.wills and friends back at home. They at times can be very closed minded. They fear what people would think of them because of there views and thoughts on burning issues. They often may find theirselfs jealous of you on how easy it is for you to express your feelings on views.

  31. I very much so agree with Lauren and Drummer boy because when you are loud and obnoxious, you already are drawing a negative attention to yourself. As much as i hate to
    admit it about the minority community, many students do act like that, not even realizing they are affecting people that could later help them whether it be a job internship or whatever.

    Also bak=ck to the comment of close mindedness, I might have written this before but if not heres goes nothing. I believ studnets are truly close minded for the same reason as you shawstweety because of fear of not being accepted. Its a fear of rejection because they ar enot living the norm. Many people have this fear. I can remeber a few times when it might have got the best of me but at some point you have to consider what is best for yourself. not the community. not anyone else. But just whats right for you and then and only then will you find your right path. Making decisions based on what other people want to see you do or see you involved in can lead to stress and unhappiness.

  32. I feel as though what danielleb is saying about the case on jimmy. But I understand how annette was feeling as also.She has the right to feel the way she feel. I think Jimmy should have went with annette. She is the only family member he knows for as of right now.Jimmy deserves to be in a female's arm as needs to know his family.

  33. To add on to what drummer_boi said I agree. I'm from Waltrboro,S.C. a little hole in the wall and if you call yourself dating a white girl there i'm sure not one person will approve of that. But when it comes to gay couple its kinda the same but bias if its two girls its not that bad but two men everyone has something negitive to say.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

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