Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Following up on our discussion from today in class, I'd like to see you discuss your thoughts about deviance. For example, how is it determined what is deviant and why?


  1. Well my first thought of deviance before we read about was that being deviant always meant being bad. After having a group discussion, I realize it can be goodor bad, it just can't be the norm. What we look at as individuals and as a society can and will be different than others. We just have to except it.
    What is deviant is determined by ones own standards of what is a norm. If it is a norm to you to walk in your house and keep your sneakers on but maybe you have a freand over who usualy has to take there shoes off at the door, to you thats deviant because its against the norm which is to keep their shoes on. To them you're the deviant because your shoes are still on but neither one of you are wrong, you just have to adjust.

  2. I agree with KeKe. I thought that you did something that wasn't a norm and that would be an act of deviance. The discussion in clas and the examples really help me to find what this really meant. Like the list when you said to rate them, at first I really had to think about where I wanted to put things. I think that act deviant act towards a child is bad. I feel that I child is brought into the world not of his/her doing so they should be treted with the utmost care. I for the life of me could not understand how a person could even want to touch a child or look at them in a bad way.
    I help people with things in stores and so on and so fourth, because I was raised to do nice things for people, but I never thought it was considered a act of deviance.

  3. I believe that deviance comes from things that we see in our socities and everyday lives. For example speaking to people when you see them, selling drugs, being in a gain, polluting the environment. Even though some of the examples are good and bad, they are considered good to some and to others to be bad. I also believe that being deviant depends on the type of person that you are. Different cultures believe in different things like Middle Eastern countries believe in arrange marries but in America it is wrong or even dating a younger girl or boy is wrong in America but not in other countries.
    I believe that deviance depends on the culture and the action and how extreme the action really is. Like murder, rape, molestation are all considred to be deviant because you are hurting somebody else. I really believe that an act becomes deviant when are hurting someone.

  4. Deviance is determined by the society itself. For example in some countries they allow the practice of palimony, while in the united states it is looked upon as deviance. Another example that could be used is how the police enforce the law in some countries. In the Bahamas if the police suspect any suspicious behavior, the can shoot with no questions asked. In America there are many laws that protect the citizens of America so that no such acts could occur here, even though they still do.

  5. Deviance to me is an act that is out of the ordinary not the norm. There are many situations where different acts can be considered deviant. It all depends on what you believe to be the norm and what is expected in certain cultures. I dont see deviant behavior as bad, I just view it as something that wouldn't normally occur or happen. Sometimes people be deviant because, they dont want to do what everyone is doing, they want to be seen as an individual, so they step out of the norm by doing a deviant act. Society and people's cultures define what is deviant. A deviant act can also become a norm, if more than one person do it, and gets away with it than others will view it as ok.

  6. To me deviance is what is right and wrong morally. So in a sense it is being bad but sometimes deviance cant be seen. Sometimes thoughts can also become deviant. For example if a person were to wish bad on someone else that could be considered being deviant. Although other people may not know what you are thinking, the thought alone makes you a deviant person because you should never wish bad on anybody no matter what they have done to you.
    The two things that determine what is being deviant and what is not are society and the bible.I say this because all throughout most people lives they are told what is right and what is wrong, most things come from the bible but other things come from what other people say is right or wrong. For example in the bible it says it is wrong to lie, cheat, and steal, but another thing that most people say is not right is to date a friend's ex-boyfriend or girlfriend.

  7. All of my classmates above have summed up what deviance is. I always thought of deviance from the criminal standpoint because I am a criminal justice major, but now I see that it's much deeper than that. I don't think society necessarily determines who is deviant or what is deviant, I really believe that deviance is an individual concept. I think it is based on each persons individual beliefs and practices. A good example is the activity we did in class. Each person ranked those deviant offenses...and some people felt strongly about some things that I myself would have no emotion about. So what may be deemed as deviant and even deviant by a majority...I didn't see as deviant at all.

  8. What is a deviant and is that all what you view as being wrong or right. The things that we talked about in class on the test we took showed that it is based on what you feel is heavier than the next. Like when you bring up the whole rape over murder it is all in how you word it and what your views are on the two things.Some view deviance in many ways and not all deviance is bad. Do things out of what is concerted the "norm" can be seen as being deviant. To me its all in how you view the world and what you feel is right and what is wrong.

  9. Deviance is what is not normal. That can leave a lot up to interpretation seeing as how "normal" is not simply defined. But whatever is accepted by any particualr majority is considered not "normal". In a society, there are certain rules and social constructs that govern what "normal" behavior is expected of its citizens. Anything to the contrary of these "standards" is considered "deviant" and has its corresponding repercussions.

  10. In response to Jasmine's post, I would have to concur. Deviance is an individual concept. However, because of the way our societies work, each each government has outlined what they will tolerate when it comes to deviant behavior, making a sort of consensus among individuals of that group. I guess I'm saying that deviance can be seen on a personal, and societal level.

  11. I really liked our disscussion on deviance. It made me think about how people get to be percieved as a deviant and how an act is considered deviant. It takes many different aspects for an act to be deviant. Because the act could be good deviant act. For example, if a person was out with their friends and all the friends were talking about a handicapped person and the person dosent join in the act is actually not deviant. But, since the person wit aganist the norm it actually is a deviant ac. Which has me thinking because the deviant act is actually a good act. Or even if a person was to help a stranger in the parking lot with their bags people would look at that as a deviant act because its not normal for someone just to help someone with their bags if they dont know the person. The whole deviance thing has me thinking about alot of peoples perception on norms and trends.

  12. Deviance can be looked at in many different views and perspectives...It mainly generates from the society and backgroud that you came from.. No one can really say what deviance really is becasue everyone comes from different generation of the teaching of what is right and what is wrong.. When thinking of the word deviant, the first thing that comes to my mind is the act of something bad.. But after the conversation in class I learned that deviant can be perceived as alot of things.

  13. Deviance is basically breaking a norm in most cases which people dont ever realize until someone tells you about that norm and you break it. For example if your church dressed a certain way for communion and someone else joined the church and they wore something else I guess you could call this a deviant because they broke the norm without really knowing they did it. Because different socities have diffrerent norms and ways of leaving that you may not do everyday.

  14. Well i always thought deviance was bad because i guess that's how everybody always used it in a sentence. I think that deviance to me is whatever people make it seem. It doesn't have to be written. An example for act of deviance would be for men to take your hat off when they enter a building. It's not written but everybody knows that's what your supose to do when entering a building even thought they it's ok for females to wear their hats in the building.
